Friday, January 4, 2019

Chinese Spacecraft

Cheng 4 Mission: 

The Chinese ship successfully came into the 'dark part' of the moon

China has announced that the robot's spacecraft sent by his space agency has become the first ship to successfully succeed in 'dark part' of the moon.

According to the global standard time, China's Chengdu plane, near the clock, reached the south-at-the-art basin of the moon near midnight.

China's official media has declared this landing as an important step in the history of 'disaster history'.

The Chinese authorities have also released a photo of the moon sent from the robotic plane.
It is clear that the mission sent to the moon in the past went to this part of the moon which is on the surface of the earth, but it is the first time a ship has gone to the bottom of the moon.

These space vehicles will be equipped with velvet-type devices, which will also provide biological experience to test the geological characteristics of the area.Last day China's official media had told that the spacecraft has entered the edible orbit around the moon and space vehicles are about 15 km from the moon's surface.

It is believed that due to an unusual situation, called 'tile locking', we can see only one side of the moon from the ground. This is because the Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as soon as it moves around the Earth's Orbit.

This level of moon is usually called 'dark aspect', but here 'dark' means 'it is seen' and it is not that there is no light here. It is clear that day and night on the moon side is equal.

The incredible level of the moon on the other side is a major challenge for landing land.
According to Chinese scientists, part of the Waun Karman in the southern pole's Atkins basin has been selected for landing that it is particularly smooth compared to other areas.

Indo-Kots, the physician of Multic Space Science Laboratory, ULC, located in Surrey, England, told the BBC that this Bakba-i-M mission will land up to 50 years after the historic landing of Apollo and in the late 2019 The mission will be sent back from the moon.

China has yet stepped up its capabilities on the footsteps of American and Russian space missions. But this mission is the first step from any space agency.

Landing on any sedimentary rock means the immediate failure of this mission and it will be a big shock for the Chinese space mission too.


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